Posted on September 7, 2005 5:06 pm

Audio FAQ: Deleting posts from your Classcaster blog.

Question: How do I delete posts from my Classcaster Blog?

Answer: Go to the blog’s dashboard, click to enter the adminarea. This should open the ‘New Post’ page. Select the ‘Posts’ tab toget a listing of posts. Make sure the ‘Show by’ ‘Date’ box is set to’All’, click ‘Show’ if necessary. Now you should see a list of all yourposts. Check the boxes to the left of the posts you want to delete, andthen click on the delete button at the bottom of the page. Don’t worry,they don’t really get deleted, just hidden so no one can see themexcept you.

For a more detailed answer to this question, please listen to the Audio FAQ below.

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